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What's Revisy all about?

Revisy is the quickest way to get started with Spaced Repetition, the most efficient method of learning.

Since you learn information at different rates, Revisy keeps track of your current level of understanding and chooses the perfect time to revise again.

Our revision is fast which means that your brain doesn’t get bored and you absorb more information.

What Can I do with Revisy?

  • Start learning using existing summaries.
  • Create your own summary of information to learn :
    • Import your Kindle highlights.
    • Split up a big document into smaller, learnable chunks.
    • Reformat plain, boring text notes.
  • Create your own summary of information to learn :
    • Import your Kindle highlights.
    • Split up a big document into smaller, learnable chunks.
    • Reformat plain, boring text notes.